The Health Workers Hall of Fame, is the nation’s first Hall of Fame tribute that is dedicated to achieve and sustain the objectives set forth.
1. To memorialize the lives, memory and achievements of fallen Health Care Heroes as national Hall of Fame inductees.
2. To provide 100,000 Health Workers representing every town, village and city across America, with FREE annual Membership, in the Health Workers Hall of Fame valued at $250.00 per person per year.
3. To offset the cost of FREE membership services that give local Health Workers the health restoration they urgently need, the life-long learning and certifications their careers require, and the national recognition Health Workers so richly deserve.
4. To acquire additional floor space and land to grow, expand and build Hall of Fame Museums across America.
Each year Fallen Healthcare Heroes, Frontline Health Workers and Pillar Health Organizations will be inducted into The Health Workers Hall of Fame in the following order:
Year 1: 100 Inductees Year 5: 300 Inductees
Year 2: 150 Inductees Year 6: 350 Inductees
Year 3: 200 Inductees Year 7: 400 Inductees
Year 4: 250 Inductees Year 8: 450 Inductees
Your donations will help us build a site and/or lease the space needed to seed, birth, grow and sustain a Health Workers Hall of Fame.