Your investment in our Care Healthfully™ PreventionChoices™, will fund our ability to construct safer outcomes in underserved communities by reducing all forms of violence. All forms of violence include but is not limited to:
- Bullying
- Self-Directed Violence
- Collective Violence
- Non-Physical Violence
- Interpersonal Violence
- Child Maltreatment
- Youth Violence
- Intimate Partner Violence
- Sexual Violence
- Elder Maltreatment
- Targeted Violence and
- Every Day Violence
PreventionChoices™, – “Choices That Disarm Conflict™” recognizes the immediate precursors to community violence and prepares youth and other community stakeholders to apply de-escalating solutions early to prevent harmful and costly outcomes.
PreventionChoices™ features multi-level community participation and ownership with a design drawn from a wellness and criminal justice angle. PreventionChoices™ promotes health outcome interventions that provide an integrated approach to violence preventive programming with an eye on:
- Reducing fatal and nonfatal injuries.
- Reduce ER visits and hospitalization for nonfatal injuries.
- Reductions in behavior problems and disruptive behavior at home and school
- Reductions in physical fighting, aggression, and delinquency.
- Reductions in arrests, convictions, and probation violations.
- Reductions in alcohol and drug use by youth and parents.
- Reductions in family conflict.
- Reductions in child abuse and neglect.
- Reductions in parental depression and stress youth.
PreventionChoices™ successful application:
- Increases in compliance to caregiver’s directions.
- Increases in prosocial behavior (e.g., social skills, such as concern for others, empathy, and cooperation).
- Increases in parent-child connection, communication, and relationship quality.
- Increases in positive parenting practices, such as monitoring and supervision of youth’s activities, use of consistent and nonviolent discipline, and involvement and support of youth mental health.
Youth violence in particular often lead to higher high school drop-out rates. High school drop outs account for 80% of our prison population. It is estimated between public assistance programs, healthcare and criminal justice, the cost of each high school drop out is $225,000 a year.
We have the innovation that offers those engaging in violence a healthier and wealthier alternative. Your funding will help us reach youth and young adults before it’s too late to bring PreventionChoices™ to life.