Get Healthier Care Together Inc., is a 501 C 3 shared service organization, with a clarion call to action in our name.

All we say and do is done through social determinants of health transformation, disparity mitigation, and interventional equity resolutions.

Bring about inequality mitigation, injustice relief, and health restoration in Black and Brown communites.
Your donations help us succeed in two ways: One, in resolving racial disparities in a way our nation NEVER has. Two, in optimizing our equity solutions for life-long impact and sustainability.
“Lessons Learned; "Even with the best of intentions, we will NEVER reach future goals following past practices or a staus quo that perpetuates racial disparities without ever acknowledging that racial disparities are deliberate.

Announcing Our New Fundraising Campaign!

In the aftermath of COVID19 and the continued threat of Burnout Syndrome, Get Healthier Care Together Inc, is leading the nation in unfolding a bold new normal in the way Health Workers are valued, prioritized, recognized and honored in America.
Get Healthier Care Together Inc, is a charity organization and an IRS approved 501 (C) (3), we are advancing a monumental approach that pays tribute to Health Workers in a way the nation NEVER has.
Our approach is healthifying, unifying, unprecedented, historic, transformational and memorable.
OUR EVENT NAME: FREE Hall Of Fame Membership Drive.
OUR FUNDRASING EVENT THEME: “Honoring Health Care Heroes”
WHO DONATES: Everyone.
1. To memorialize fallen Health Care Heroes as national Hall of Fame inductees. The Health Workers Hall of Fame, Inc is the first Hall of Fame tribute of its kind in the nation.
2. To provide 100,000 Health Workers representing every town, village and city across America, with FREE annual Membership, in the Health Workers Hall of Fame , valued at $250.00 per person per year.
3. To offset the cost of FREE membership services that give local Health Workers the health restoration they urgently need, the life-long learning and certifications their careers require, and the national recognition Health Workers so richly deserve.
4. To spearhead a national response to COVID19 and Burnout Syndrome in a way that is healthifying, unifying, unprecedented, historic, transformational and memorable.
5. To acquire additional floor space to grow, expand and build Hall of Fame Museums across America.
HOW? Online through tax deductible dollars to Get Healthier Care Togther, Inc. and direct online donations at:
Donations can also be made via wire or mail:
Banking Corporate Info:
Popular Bank
85 Broad Street
New York, New York 10004
GHCT Adress:
Get Healthier Care Together, Inc
127 E 38th Street Fl Grd Suite B
Brooklyn, New York 11203
Get Healthier Care Together Bank Account Info:
Routing/ABA # 026008811
Account# 6810594520
We raise funds to support our mission of improving the health and quality of life of women, children, youth and families in every category of social determinants of health. Especially, people who live in underserved, disadvantaged and undervalued communities – where the harmful effects of systemic health, racial and ethnic disparities are rampant.
We support providing health workers with new knowledge and skills to meet t day’s challenging demands in a changing health care landscape.
We support recognizing and rewarding health workers for the huge contributions they make in health delivery, public health challenges, natural disaster relief efforts, research, education and so much more.
Our Services
Get Healthier Care Together, Inc (GHCT) was created purposefully to achieve four integrated goals:
1. To healthify the lives of children, women and families who mmunities.
2. To play a leading role in resolving the harmful effects of systemic health, racial and ethnic disparities.
3. To advance and implement evidenced-based practices that represent the latest innovation in social determinants of health transformation.
4. To design equity projects that reach the outer limits of disparity mitigation success — where generations of government programs and charitable endeavors have had limited impact.
If ever there was a time in our nation’s history to STEP-UP and honor health professionals in a way our nation NEVER has, it is NOW! If ever there was a time in our nation’s history to STEP-UP and build back better a healthier nation for all, it is NOW!
Especially, after the devastating effect COVID-19. Since landing on the shores of the United States in January 2020, COVID-19 has killed over 540,000 people, infected over 28 million, upended our economy, and overwhelmed our health systems.
STEP-UP For A Healthier Way To Recovery is more than an idea whose time has come, it offers the healthiest pathway forward for health professionals, the general public, businesses, government agencies and corporate America. STEP-UP For A Healthier Way To Recovery also offers the greatest level of health restoration in the shortest amount of time, based on a simple remedy; our ability to move swiftly in a healthier direction together.
If we can follow a simple sentiment TOGETHER – We got this, then the road ahead to a healthier future, need not be an exhausting journey for anyone. Especially, when the solution is rooted in our ability to support each other in every way we can, as we travel this journey together. All we need to start is what STEP-UP For A Healthier Way To Recovery provides, a shared point of reference that aligns our thinking, hearts and hands, to commit to a purpose greater than ourselves.
In brief, STEP UP For A Healthier Way To Recovery:
- Structures pandemic emergency preparedness aimed at developing new approaches, and better protection of health workers and communities against influenza pandemics.
- Takes ownership of, and accountability for, navigating our nation to a healthier future for all, and a more equitable society for Black and Brown communities. This includes closing the widening socio-economic gaps racial disparities expand, and filling a national leadership vacuum the status quo has left void. We are taking this assignment on, as the designated pilot who will board, fly and land this plane at a healthier destination.
- Establishes a monumental national forum (Health Workers Hall of Fame) that give Health Workers on-going health restoration they urgently need, the life-long learning and certifications their careers require, and the national recognition Health Workers so richly deserve, not only during COVID-19 but for generations to come.
- Permanently resolve Burnout Syndrome experts say will take years to heal.
- Unleashes over 16 equity solutions and interventions to finally mitigate systemic racial, health and ethnic disparities in a way our nation Never has.
- Promote and advance a recovery plan that reaches the outer limits of health restoration success, where generations of business, government and charitable endeavors have had limited impact.
Please STEP-UP and support our cause today!
Here is why we need to move swiftly in a healthier direction together.
In the healthcare industry, COVID-19 exposed a status quo mindset that left health workers and our nation not only unprepared for COVID-19, but unprepared the next pandemic as well. Despite having all of the levers of power under status quo control, health workers had to compensate for preventable systemic failures and operational shortages at the expense of their own safety, health and wellbeing.
This expense has cost health workers a catastrophic toll on their physical and mental health, that most health systems across the United States are ill-equipped to mitigate. At least not adequately and effectively as best practice methods require. COVID-19 infected hundred of thousands and over 3 million health workers paid the ultimate price of saving others, with their lives. Far too many are now left with mental health problems and Burnout Syndrome that experts say will take years if not decades to heal.
In communities of color, COVID-19 exposed the deadly effects of layers of racial disparities in banking, housing, courts, criminal justice, education, health, and employment. Collectively, data has shown that racial disparities directly and indirectly resulted in higher COVID-19 cases and higher COVID-19 deaths in Black and Brown communities.
No truer words were ever spoken when Edmond Burke said : “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
And, when Dr. Martin Luther King said “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly.”
If you think for a second, the status quo has learned its lesson and will take bold new action to better protect Black and Brown communities, think again!
To date, not one single leader in all of America— from the status quo business, government, health care, academia, civic, charities or otherwise, – has stepped forward to lead Black and Brown communities in a healthier direction, or take ownership of resolving racial disparities in a way the nation NEVER has, or accepted accountability for navigating our nation to a healthier future and a more equitable society for Black and Brown communities.
Here is why we need YOU to move swiftly in a healthier direction together.
To bring our recovery plan to life, we are sending out a call to action to all people of goodwill, — health professionals, the general public, businesses, government agencies and corporate America. We need Fundraising Ambassadors immediately to STEP UP For A Healthier Way to Recovery. We need as many Ambassadors who are willing to inspire and drive donations near and far.
Our fundraising goal of $500M is doable, but not without your help. Between now and December 2021 we will use multiple funding streams to reach two aims.
- To ensure our launch success in advance.
- To give our nation the best chance ever, to make ground-breaking progress, toward to a healthier future for all and a more equitable society for Black and Brown communities.
Their are multiple ways to donate.
Through immediate membership support of ($250.00 per year) as a member of Health Workers Hall of Fame. Click on the links below.
Through tax deductible donations directly to Get Healthier Care Together Inc., in any amount people can give. Click on donate above.
No donation is too large or too small, we value all contributions. There is nothing to risk or lose, all contributions to Health Workers Hall of Fame and Get Healthier Care Together Inc are 100% tax deductible.
Please STEP-UP and support our cause today! Thank You!